Personal Money Market & CDs Save smarter and earn more with our interest-earning savings options. Our deposit accounts are FDIC insured, so it’s the safest and best option for your hard-earned money. Choose one of our solutions based on your goals and needs. Select Money Market Enjoy interest-earning capabilities with the ability to write checks, use your debit card and utilize online or mobile bill pay. Open an account with $20,000 and avoid the $15 monthly service charge by: maintaining a minimum daily balance of $5,000, or maintain an average daily balance of $10,000. Open at a Banking Center Certificates of Deposit With a minimum balance of $500 and terms as short as 91 days, CDs offer stability and compound interest either yearly or upon maturity. Interest can also be paid electronically to another bank account monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or at maturity. Contact your local banking center to apply today. Open a 9 Month CD Open a 27 Month CD Open a 15 Month CD Open a 42 Month CD